Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness for someone or something in your life. However, what if you just don’t feel grateful? When you’re wrestling with mental health challenges, relationship problems, or other stressors, it can be difficult to find something for which to be thankful. It’s in difficult times like these, though, that cultivating gratitude is more important than ever.

Gratitude doesn’t always start with a feeling. It’s also not even a thought, at least not initially. Gratitude is a neutral observation that comes with a sense of openness to possibilities. Begin to notice things about yourself and your world in new ways. When your mind gravitates to the negative, gently shift it to more positive thoughts.  By simply noticing the good, the practice of gratitude is begun.  
Gratitude is empowering because it’s a choice. Shifting your focus is a choice you make, and in practicing this, you’re honing a skill. Gratitude is the ability to purposefully shift your attention to the positive.